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  1. Put nothing in your mouth after midnight prior to your surgery (if sedation is being done), not even coffee, water, gum, mints or lifesavers.
  2. In the morning brush your teeth BUT DO NOT SWALLOW any paste, water , mouthwash, etc.
  3. Arrange for a responsible adult (over 18 years of age) to take you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  4. The portion of Surgery charges agreed upon at your exam is due from you at the time of surgery. If you cannot make such a payment on the day of surgery, you need to call our office prior to your surgery to make alternative payment plans.
  5. Make not if local anesthesia is taking place and any children are to be accompanied with the patient please make arrangements to have an adult (over 18 years of age) to watch the children while the procedure is taking place.
To prepare for your at-home-recovery:
  1. Plan for adequate time away from work, school, or other daily responsibilities to give your body time to heal properly.
  2. Have ice and ice packs on hand. Frozen vegetables also work very well.
  3. Have plenty of carbonated beverages, fruit juices and water on hand. NO STRAWS!
  4. Have soft foods stocked: yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, soup, oatmeal, eggs, etc.
Wear comfortable clothes with short sleeves to your surgery appointment, if general anesthesia is being done.
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight! NOTHING!!!
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