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Post-Op Day 1 (first 24 hours)
On your way home:
  1. Have you filled your pain medication prescription? If not do so now. Wait to take the medication until you have completed steps 2-6 to follow.
  2. When you first arrive home: For the first 60 minutes keep firm, continuous pressure on the gauze over the Surgery site. Afterwards, remove gauze. If bleeding has not stopped, place fresh gauze in your mouth. Bite down with firm, continuous pressure for another half hour. Remove gauze. Blood may ooze slightly after gauze is removed. A pinkish tinge to your saliva is normal. If continued bleeding apply a tea bag to the extraction site and keep firm continuous pressure for 60 minutes or longer.
  3. Rest with head elevated, as in a recliner chair or with extra pillows. Expect to sleep most of the day.
  4. Apply ice packs to the face over the Surgery area to reduce swelling. begin ice during the first hour and continue for 24 hours. Follow a schedule of 20 minutes on-20 minutes off. The ice is effective in reducing swelling only during the first 24-36 hours although swelling may continue for several more days peeking around day 3.
  5. In the first few hours after surgery: Drink a carbonated beverage to help settle your stomach. DO NOT USE A STRAW. A straw creates suction which could break down the blood clot at the Surgery site, prolong bleeding and delaying healing. Smoking causes a similar problem. DO NOT SMOKE!!!! For at least 72 hours.
  6. Drink a cold milk product about half an hour after the carbonated beverage. We recommend a milk shake. This helps minimize nausea that pain medication may cause. Those allergic to milk products may try juices or soup.
  7. After you drink the product recommended above, take the first dose of pain medication as directed on the label. Continue to take medication as prescribed throughout the day.
  8. Drink fluids frequently. Wake younger children every hour to have them drink fluids. This will minimize nausea.
  9. Begin eating very soft foods today if it is comfortable.
Rinse your mouth, spit, smoke, drink with a straw or brush your teeth.
Post-Op Day 2/3 (48-72 hours)
  1. Eat a soft diet. For health's sake choose nutritious foods: scrambled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, mashed bananas, applesauce, juices, and soups. Consider juicing vegetables and grinding meats in a blender. Baby food works well. You might want to add salt, pepper, or other spices to it. Some patients have recommended eating cream of rice or wheat topped with tomato, pesto, or cheese sauce.
  2. Avoid hard foods that require chewing or that have small pieces which could enter the Surgery site or break the forming blood clot. such foods include, but are not limited to, granola, nuts, rice, popcorn, and small candies. A broken clot can lead to "dry socket", which causes pain, delaying healing and may require additional healing.
  3. About 24 hours after surgery start to rinse your mouth gently with warm water. Use 1/2 teaspoon salt to a glass of warm water. Rinse about once an hour while awake, roughly 10 to 12 times per day. Brush very gently in areas where incisions have been made or stitches placed. Brush the rest of your mouth thoroughly in your regular manner.
  4. Continue to rest and drink 2-3 quarts of fluid per day. Both are vital to promoting healing and preventing infection.
  5. Reduce swelling with gentle warm rinses and take your anti-inflammatory medications as prescribed. Take medication after putting some food or milk product in your stomach. Swelling is normal during this time and peaks on days two and three.
Follow Up Visit (If you were given one)
Until Your Follow-Up Visit:
  1. Continue to eat a very soft diet. Avoid vigorous chewing or small, hard foods.
  2. Continue warm salt water rinses and regular oral hygiene.
  3. Maintain good fluid intake.
  4. Do not smoke. Smoking may cause post-Surgery complications to develop.
Follow-Up Visit:
Usually a week after the surgery, we will inspect the Surgery site to assure that proper healing is occurring.
That's it. The process of having your teeth removed is successfully accomplished!
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